Statement of Purpose:
Bicycle SA is committed to promoting cycling by facilitating safe and enjoyable rides for the membership and the general community. Riders would expect to be led and supported by competent and experienced Rides Leaders.
Bicycle SA can demonstrate that it has taken all practical steps to meet its Statute law obligations and limit its liability in establishing the correct culture and practices to prevent and/or minimise risk and the potential for loss.
Bicycle SA shall expect Rides Leaders to:
1. have current membership to Bicycle SA and also to be competent and experienced cyclists
2. comply with this Rides Policy
3. be familiar with ‘Cycling and the Law’, Australian Road Rules and ‘The Driver’s Handbook’
4. be familiar with Bicycle SA Policies including Hot Weather Policy, SunSmart Policy, Emergency/Incident Policy, and any other relevant policies.
5. plan safe routes, taking into consideration potential hazards
6. lead the rides according to advertised pace, code defining degree of difficulty, group’s ability, and giving timely reminders/warnings to the group about prevailing weather and/or potential road hazards
7. lead the rides and not be responsible for anyone who passes the leader. The leader cannot be held responsible for the actions of individuals who pass the leader or leave the group, or the consequences of those actions
8. nominate ‘Tail-End Charlie’ and/or Roving Marshals depending on size of group
9. give polite verbal warning to riders who do not comply with the Ride Leader’s instructions, particularly if the group’s safety is being compromised
10. ask cyclists not to participate in a ride if they do not comply with the Australian Road Rules and BSA Rides Policy
11. be notified if anyone in the group is not completing the ride, either at the commencement of the ride, and/or at the point when the rider/s leave the ride.
12. ensure that all cyclists who were part of the complete ride have returned to the agreed starting/finishing point
13. ensure that effective fixed lights and reflectors are in use when riding at night
14. comply with BSA’s Emergency/Incident Procedures in the event of serious accident/injury
Bicycle SA shall expect ride participants to:
1. comply with the Australian Road Rules, and take responsibility for their own actions
2. ensure that any safety issues and reasonable requests made by the Rides Leader are complied with
3. notify either the Rides Leader and/or ‘Tail End Charlie’ if they intend leaving the ride before it ends
4. notify the Rides Leader of any medical condition and/or medication which may affect their participation in the ride
5. be adequately prepared for the ride by carrying sufficient water, refreshments and basic equipment to include pump, spare tube and puncture repair kit
6. comply with Bicycle SA’s Emergency/Incident procedures in the event of serious accident/injury
In the event of an emergency situation, it is recommended that riders carry personal identification
This Rides Policy shall be reviewed annually to ensure that it remains current and relevant to Bicycle SA’s standards of practice.
Statement of Purpose:
The Industrial and Employee Relations Act 1994 provides that an employer shall not terminate an employee’s employment unless there is a valid reason or valid reasons related to the employee’s work performance or conduct based on the operational requirements of the organisation or service. (Valid reasons for termination shall relate to misconduct and/or work performance standards).
A reason to terminate is not valid, if, having regard to the employee’s work performance and conduct and those operational requirements, the termination is harsh, unjust or unreasonable.
Bicycle SA shall not terminate employment of an employee for reasons related to the employee’s performance or conduct unless that employee has been given the opportunity for defence against the allegations made.
Bicycle SA believes that their Disciplinary Policy can constructively assist both staff and management in dealing with disciplinary issues. Effective channels of communication can be developed and maintained which will be of mutual benefit to both staff and management.
Bicycle SA shall ensure that this procedure is observed and applied in a caring, professional and constructive manner.
This Disciplinary Policy shall be reviewed annually to ensure that it remains current and relevant to Bicycle SA’s standards of practice.
Statement of Purpose:
Bicycle SA believes that equal employment opportunity is the result of a workplace free of discrimination. All employees, applicants for employment and volunteers will be treated fairly and assessed on their skills, qualifications, abilities and aptitudes and not on such factors as sex, marital status, ethnicity, age, religion or physical impairment.
To facilitate equal employment opportunities all vacant positions will be advertised.
The Executive Committee of Bicycle SA is committed to promoting a culture that respects individuals by encapsulating affirmative action for women within its equal employment opportunity philosophy and providing a work environment free of sexual harassment.
Staff with various medical conditions, including those that might be considered life threatening can continue to work provided they have medical clearance to do so and they do not place in jeopardy their colleagues or the community within in which they work. Bicycle SA reserves the right to arrange a medical assessment of the staff, who are affected.
These staff members are assured of complete confidentiality when seeking counselling or medical referral assistance.
Where the work of the staff member with a life threatening medical condition creates a risk to their colleagues or other individuals, Bicycle SA will endeavour to modify the tasks or find suitable, alternative tasks.
Embedded within this policy is the principle that staff with severe and/or life threatening medical conditions, are treated with dignity and respect.
This Equal Employment Opportunity Policy shall be reviewed annually to ensure that it remains current and relevant to Bicycle SA’s standards of practice.
Statement of Purpose:
As the basic objective of discussing a grievance is to facilitate communication between the parties concerned, it is expected that through constructive dialogue the grievance will be satisfactorily resolved during the discussion.
However, should, for some reason the grievance is not satisfactorily resolved then the following process shall be available.
If there is a grievance, then the first step is to discuss the matter and its potential resolution with your Departmental Manager as soon as possible. A response shall also be made as soon as possible.
If the grievance is not satisfactorily resolved, then the matter shall be referred to the Chief Executive Officer for consideration and resolution.
At this stage the Chief Executive Officer, at that person’s discretion, refers the matter to the Executive Committee for further consideration and successful resolution.
The employee is entitled to be represented by a person of their choice at any time.
While a grievance is being dealt with, work shall continue as normal, except where the grievance arises from termination of that person’s employment.
Where the grievance arises from termination of employment, the employee will not be entitled to continue to work or to be paid from the date of termination of employment.
Both parties shall agree not to commence an action:
(a) to obtain a penalty under the Terms & Conditions of their particular employment
(b) to seek damages for breach or breaches of the Terms & Conditions of their particular employment
(c) to seek to enforce the Terms & Conditions of their particular employment unless:
There has been a genuine attempt to resolve the grievance at the workplace level; and
There has been compliance within this Grievance Policy procedure, including genuine consideration of using mediation.
It is clearly in everybody’s best interests to resolve issues at their origin, ie between the parties concerned and/or employee and Departmental Manager.
This Grievance Policy shall be reviewed annually to ensure that it remains current and relevant to Bicycle SA’s standards of practice.
Statement of Purpose:
Bicycle SA has a primary concern for the health of its staff, members, participants, volunteers and supporters.
Bicycle SA acknowledges that smoking is a major public health concern in Australia, with alarming mortality rates as a result of both active and passive smoking.
Bicycle SA recognises that smoking related cancer and other associated illnesses are preventable and actively seeks to promote, encourage and support a smoke free environment in its business premises and at all events, programs and courses conducted by the organisation. This policy applies to all staff, membership, participants and volunteers.
Bicycle SA, where possible, shall:
Ban all smoking by staff, volunteers, education instructors, marshals, rides leaders and volunteers while fulfilling their roles with the organisation
Ban smoking in vehicles owned by the organisation
Ban smoking by official representatives of the organisation and/or whoever may be identified by Bicycle SA’s corporate attire
Actively promote the health benefits of a smoke free lifestyle
Encourage those who are unable to choose a smoke free lifestyle to seek alternative methods of overcoming this health threatening social habit.
This Non Smoking Policy shall be reviewed annually to ensure that it remains current and relevant to Bicycle SA’s standards of practice.
Statement of Purpose:
Bicycle SA considers the appropriate management of work health & safety as ranking equally with all other operational processes.
Bicycle SA aims to minimise the risk of injury and ill health to its employees and other individuals by adopting a planned and systematic approach to the management of occupational health, safety and welfare and developing strategies for its successful implementation.
The objectives of this policy are to ensure:
– All hazards and risks to health and safety are identified, assessed and where they cannot be eliminated are effectively controlled;
– Measures to control hazards and risks to health and safety are regularly monitored and evaluated;
– Employees participate and contribute to the decision making process on occupational health and safety matters affecting their health and safety at work;
– Managers and employees receive information, instruction, training and supervision they require to safely perform their responsibilities;
– Non English speaking employees receive information, instruction and training in a language they understand
Bicycle SA will achieve its work health and safety objectives by developing and implementing appropriate policies and procedures which document standards and guide managers and employees in performing their responsibilities in:
– identifying hazards and risks to health and safety associated with tasks and activities performed by Bicycle SA;
– assessing the degree and level of risks arising from hazardous tasks or activities;
– selecting, implementing and maintaining appropriate measures to control risks to health and safety;
– identifying, developing and providing appropriate information, instruction and training to equip managers and employees with the knowledge and skills necessary to meet their responsibilities;
– developing, implementing and monitoring plans to put Bicycle SA’s health and safety policies and procedures into effect.
Roles and Responsibilities
The Chief Executive Officer as the responsible officer has the overall responsibility to provide a healthy and safe workplace for employees and will ensure adequate resources are provided to meet the health and safety objectives and implement strategies.
In particular the Chief Executive Officer shall ensure:
– Appropriate health and safety policies and procedures are developed and implemented to enable the effective management of health and safety and control of risks to health and safety;
– mechanisms are provided which enables the identification, development, implementation and review of appropriate health, safety and welfare related policies and procedures;
– mechanisms are provided to enable employees and their representatives to be consulted on any proposals for, or changes to the workplace, work practices, policies or procedures which may affect the occupational health, safety and welfare of employees;
– managers are provided with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively enable them to carry out their health and safety responsibilities;
– mechanisms are provided to enable the assessment of managers’ health and safety performance;
– occupational health and safety performance is an integral component of Bicycle SA’s business and financial plans;
– mechanisms are provided to regularly monitor and report on health and safety performance;
– annual health and safety strategic plans are developed and implemented to meet health and safety objectives.
Managers have a responsibility in their areas of control to ensure that:
– they perform their roles and responsibilities as detailed in the relevant health and safety policies and procedures;
– relevant health and safety policies and procedures are effectively implemented;
– all risks to health and safety are identified, assessed and effectively controlled;
– the effectiveness of risk control measures are regularly monitored and deviations from standards rectified;
– employees have adequate knowledge and skills to perform their health and safety responsibilities;
– employees and their representatives are consulted on any proposals for, or changes to the workplace, work practices, policies or procedures which may affect the health and safety of employees.
Employees have a legal duty to take care to protect their own health and safety and to avoid adversely affecting the health and safety of any other person.
Employees have a responsibility to:
– report any incident or hazards at work to their manager
– perform their roles and responsibilities as detailed in the relevant health and safety policies and procedures;
– comply with any reasonable instruction aimed at protecting their health and safety while at work;
– use any equipment provided to protect their health and safety while at work;
– assist in the identification of hazards, the assessment of risks and the implementation of risk control measures;
– consider and provide feedback on any issues which may affect their health and safety;
– ensure they are not affected by alcohol or another drug which may endanger their own or any other persons’ health and safety.
Review of Policy:
The Work Health and Safety Policy shall be reviewed annually and involve assessing the effectiveness of the policy by such means as:
– Reviewing overall health and safety performance
– Monitoring the effectiveness of policies and procedures
– Ensure that Policy remains current and relevant to Bicycle SA’s standards of practice
Statement of Purpose:
Bicycle SA Inc collects personal information so that we may administer our customer relationships and provide products and services that are requested by them.
We respect and uphold the rights of our customers to privacy protection under the National Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988 and introduced as legislation on 21 December 2001.
Bicycle SA may hold the following information:
Name, street, telephone number (s), Date of birth, Next of kin, Email address, Occupation, Health information, Transaction details associated with services being provided, Any information provided to us through customer surveys, Any additional information provided to us by the customer.
After our legal obligations to retain the information have expired all personal information shall be destroyed.
Personal information is used:
To assist with any calls that the person makes to Bicycle SA
For the organisation’s internal administrative requirements
To render accounts and collect bills
Bicycle SA will not disclose personal information about its customers except on a confidential basis, at their request.
Personal information shall be:
Contained in paper based and other hard copy documents in dedicated storage facilities located in the office
Contained in electronic records in a secure environment
These records are only accessible by those persons who require access to the personal information for the purpose of carrying out their employment at Bicycle SA
A person may make request for access to personal information being held in the office in writing to Chief Executive Officer. A reason for requesting access does not have to be given. Every endeavour will be made to provide a suitable range of choices as to how the information may be accessed, ie by mail or personal collection.
Although Bicycle SA intends to observe this Policy at all times, it is not legally binding on the organisation in any way. From time to time we shall find it necessary or desirable to act outside the Policy. Bicycle SA may do so subject only to any statutory rights the customer has under the Privacy Act or other applicable legislation.
The management of customers’ personal information shall be undertaken in accordance with the requirements of the National Privacy Principles contained within the Privacy Act 1988.
This Privacy Policy shall be reviewed annually to ensure that it remains current and relevant to the Privacy Act and Bicycle SA’s standards of practice
Statement of Purpose: 1. Philosophy
With the support and encouragement of our sponsors, partners, Government and community groups, Bicycle SA is committed to developing cycling groups in all regional centres of South Australia. This will also assist with the State and National Government cycling strategies, which is to dramatically increase bicycle use for health, environmental and economic reasons.
Regional areas have not had the benefit of the same level of resources and support as urban areas, and this policy has been developed to encourage an increase in cycling in a structured and sustainable way.
Bicycle SA can demonstrate that it has provided the necessary level of support and encouragement to enable regional groups in South Australia to grow and develop so that there will be more South Australians cycling.
2. Structure
The regional group will be created and have a standard structure as follows:
(a) A public meeting will be called after Bicycle SA has completed a period of consultation in the regional centre informing the community of the benefits of belonging to an organised group e.g. insurance, organised rides program, ability to participate in the organised Bicycle SA events.
(b) At the public meeting the following office bearers shall be elected:
Rides Coordinator, who shall effectively be the leader of the group with the responsibility for:
– General leadership of the group
– Disseminating information from Ride Leadership Development Programme
– Implementing the local rides program
– Chair all local meetings
– Ensuring compliance with the policies of Bicycle SA including the risk management policy
– Acting as Ride Leader for group rides, or ensure that a suitably experienced rider will act in that person’s absence
Secretary/Treasurer, whose secretarial duties on behalf of the group shall include:
– Dealing with incoming and outgoing correspondence
– Receipting & banking all monies received by the group
– On behalf of the group, paying all expenses incurred by the group
– Preparing financial reports for the committee and for the end of the financial year
– Compiling and presenting the financial records for audit
– Providing a periodic report of the group’s activities to Bicycle SA
Committee Members, comprising from 3 to 5 members, shall be responsible for:
– Preparing the rides program for 2 -3 months in advance
– Planning local initiatives to attract new members
– Planning social activities as required
Auditor shall be appointed to review the financial reports and records of the group in accordance with Bicycle SA procedures and policies.
3. Administration
The committee should meet each 2 to 3 months to conduct the business of the group, and prepare the rides programme. Financial records shall be maintained recording the monies received and paid out as follows:
Bicycle SA shall provide a receipt book and all monies received shall be receipted and banked
In the event of a new member joining, a new member advice shall be completed and forwarded to Bicycle SA with a % of the subscription money as agreed with Bicycle SA
All accounts paid will be filed in order of payment for ease of auditing
Shall be kept of all committee meetings and will be filed in a minute book or folder and will be available to the auditor as required.
4. Financial Management
Groups will be financially independent because they shall retain 50% of their subscriptions with the remaining 50% to be sent to Bicycle SA.
This empowers and gives the group the incentive to increase their membership.
– Bicycle SA shall provide receipt books to record renewing members’ details or new member details. Money collected shall be forwarded to Bicycle SA at the end of each month.
– When organising any events the regional groups will be encouraged to use a similar fee structure to that used by Bicycle SA. All fees received shall remain under the control of regional groups.
– Where Bicycle SA has supported the event with the provision of signage, advertising, promotional material etc, 30% of the registration fees received shall be payable to Bicycle SA.
5. Administrative Support by Bicycle SA
Bicycle SA shall support regional groups and help foster interest in cycling in regional South Australia in accordance with Bicycle SA, partners, sponsors, and Government objectives. Written material and information shall be supplied to regional groups as follows:
– Copy of the current constitution of Bicycle SA
– Promotional literature giving details of the objectives and benefits of being a member of Bicycle SA
– Receipt books and new member application forms.
– Ride Leader Information Kits
– Additional copies of ‘Cycle!’ and the rides programme, as required, for distribution to potential members.
6. Bicycle SA Policies
– A copy of current Policies shall be provided
7. Regional Group Information Kit
– A copy of current Information Kit shall be provided that includes material detailed in items 5 and 6 above
– Accident/Incident Injury Report Forms
– Bicycle SA Strategic Plan/Direction
– Current audited Annual Report
– Current regional group’s membership list
– MTB Code of Practice
– Volunteer Handbook
This Regional Policy shall be reviewed annually to ensure that it remains current and relevant to Bicycle SA’s standards of practice.
Statement of Purpose:
Ride Group Coordinators are experienced and competent cyclists who, as volunteers, support a specific team of Ride Leaders to plan and lead safe recreational bicycle rides for members and the wider community.
To the best of their ability, the Ride Group Coordinators shall:
Nominate suitable current members as Ride Leaders for the weekly rides.
Provide the office with information on new Ride Leaders and ensure that the ride information packs are available to them.
Encourage current Ride Leaders by assisting them to plan routes, lead rides and also providing constructive feedback.
Reinforce the ‘buddy’ mentoring process for Ride Leaders as a way of building confidence and experience.
Plan for alternative Ride Leaders to be available if the designated Leader is not be available on the day of the ride.
Collate and provide ride information for the Rides Programme to the Office by the nominated dates.
Be prepared to monitor issues that occur within the group and seek assistance through the General Manager/office if necessary.
Evaluate the rides on a 6 monthly basis and provide feedback to the General Manager/office.
This Ride Group Coordinators’ Policy shall be reviewed annually to ensure that it remains current and relevant to Bicycle SA’s standards of practice.
Statement of Purpose:
The purpose of the Rides Programme is to offer a wide range of bicycle rides for all ages, gender and abilities in as many locations as possible. The Rides Programme is a major promotional tool for Bicycle SA and cycling and aims to encourage and support new cyclists. It also aims to foster social interaction amongst participants. The programme is widely distributed and is free of charge. Most major events attract an entry fee.
1. Where there is a major event / ride organised by Bicycle SA and/or in conjunction with another organisation, Government Department etc, no other competing ride shall be published in the Bicycle SA Rides Programme. This reflects the importance of the event, enables the maximum exposure of that event, and the maximum number of participants and volunteers
2. Rides Programme to highlight only major/special events of Bicycle SA, as endorsed by the Executive Committee
3. All events not deemed as Bicycle SA events shall be approved by the General Manager, printed within a box format, clearly identifying the organisers
4. All advertisements shall be sent direct from the relevant organisation to the office
5. These advertisements shall be charged at current Bicycle SA’s advertising rates
6. Rides Programme shall be ready for transmission to the Graphic Designer by designated dates.
7. General Manager has overall responsibility for content and layout of the Rides Programme
This Rides Programme Policy shall be reviewed annually to ensure that it remains current and relevant to Bicycle SA’s standards of practice.
Statement of Purpose:
Bicycle SA is committed to providing a safe environment for participants, spectators, committee members and staff (paid and unpaid). Risk management is a planned process of taking control of the risks that confront participants, spectators, staff (paid and unpaid), committee members and the organisation. Managing exposure to risks can prevent them from occurring and/or minimises the loss and severity should they occur. It involves identifying and assessing the risk, controlling the risk by implementing the plan, and ongoing monitoring, review and modification of the process.
Bicycle SA can demonstrate that it has taken all practical steps to meet its Statute law obligations (principally workplace health and safety legislation) and limit its liability in establishing the correct culture and practices to prevent and/or minimise risk and the potential for loss.
– To prevent/minimise risk and maximise opportunity across the organisation
– To establish a risk exposure profile acceptable to the organisation
– To identify the potential for loss or injury
– To assess the identified risks against the risk exposure profile
– To determine the most effective and practical way to control the risks identified
– To monitor the effectiveness of the action implemented to manage the risks
– To evaluate and/or modify the risk management plan in line with changing exposure to risks
The General Manager, through the Executive Committee, is responsible for taking whatever action is necessary to design and implement integrated organisation wide risk management plans that includes, but not limited to the following:
Corporate Governance/Business/ Risk Assessment
– Policy setting/implementation
– Strategic planning, Business Development Plan and Viability Analysis
– Financial Management
– Asset Management
– Internal and External Audit
– Fraud
– Contractual/ Sponsorship liabilities
– Insurance program including public liability
– Product liability/Events/Membership/Corporate identity
– Information Technology and information management including data integrity
Human Resource Risk Assessment
– Recruitment/appointment policy including job descriptions, performance review and exit interviews
– Rides Co-ordinators, Rides Leaders Policies/Guidelines
– Equal Opportunity and Anti-discrimination
– Training and development including orientation, continuing education/ skill maintenance/new skills
– Occupational Health Safety & Welfare plan
– Employee Injury and Rehabilitation programs
– Work Cover claims management
– Employee complaints/grievance management
– Professional misconduct/malpractice
Events/Activities/Product Risk Assessment
– Management of all sub-committees/groups/individuals involved in events (current members)
– Market Research/Product Analysis Plan
– Organisation’s Rights and Responsibilities
– Staff’s (paid and unpaid) Rights and Responsibilities
– Privacy Act/Confidentiality/Release of Information Policy
– Event planning management
– Risk Assessment Plan
– Food Handling
– Venue Specific Contact Plan
– Incident/Accident Reporting/Audit Policy
– Evaluation and Review/Analysis/Quality Management
Bicycle SA has evidence of an integrated Risk Management program that has effectively limited its liability in risk prevention and/or minimisation and the potential for loss.
This Risk Management Policy shall be reviewed annually to ensure that it remains current and relevant to Bicycle SA’s standards of practice.
Statement of Purpose:
Bicycle SA has a primary concern for the health of its staff, members, participants, volunteers and supporters.
Bicycle SA acknowledges that skin cancer is a major public health concern, with two out of every three people in Australia, at some stage in their lives, requiring varying degrees of treatment.
Bicycle SA recognises that skin cancer is preventable, actively seeks to promote, encourage and support sun protection at all events, programs and courses that it conducts. This policy applies to all staff, membership, participants and volunteers.
Bicycle SA, where possible, shall:
1. Consider the appropriateness of any rules and regulations that prevent the implementation of sun protection strategies
2. Schedule activities to avoid or minimise exposure to the peak ultraviolet period (11am to 3pm daylight saving time)
3. Promote to participants and provide volunteers with sun protective clothing as part of their corporate attire, ie:
– long sleeved shirts with appropriate neck protection
– wide brimmed or legionnaire type hats whenever practicable
– Wrap around sunglasses for eye protection
4. Continue to explore opportunities in redesigning existing corporate attire to improve sun protection
5. Ensure that corporate cycle specific clothing offered for sale to members and the community promotes sun protection
6. Provide SPF 15+ broad spectrum water resistant sunscreen at events and encourage its use
7. Maximise the use of existing shade at facilities in all outdoor activities. When shade is inadequate, collaborate with relevant authorities to provide appropriate sun protection at recreational facilities
8. Promote sun safe messages through the print media and at all cycling events
9. Encourage all rides leaders, participants, marshals, volunteers, participants and parents to be SunSmart role models
10. On registration of events advise (participants and parents) and encourage compliance with SunSmart Policy
11. Promote and comply with Hot Weather Policy
This SunSmart Policy shall be reviewed annually to ensure that it remains current and relevant to Bicycle SA’s standards of practice.
Statement of Purpose:
As the basic objective of discussing a grievance is to facilitate communication between the parties concerned, it is expected that through constructive dialogue the grievance will be satisfactorily resolved during the discussion.
However, should, for some reason the grievance is not satisfactorily resolved then the following process shall be available.
1. If there is a grievance, then the first step is to discuss the matter with all parties concerned and its potential resolution with the Volunteer Coordinator/Chief Executive Officer as soon as possible. The principle of natural justice will be upheld. A response shall also be made as early as possible.
2. If the grievance is not satisfactorily resolved, then at the discretion of the Volunteer Coordinator and Chief Executive Officer, the matter shall be referred to the Executive Committee for further consideration and mutually acceptable resolution.
3. The volunteer is entitled to be represented by a person of their choice at any time.
4. While a grievance is being dealt with, work shall continue as normal, except where the grievance arises from termination of that person’s voluntary work.
5. Where the grievance arises from termination of voluntary work, the volunteer will not be entitled to continue to work from the date of termination of their volunteer work.
7. Both parties shall agree not to commence an action unless:
a) There has been a genuine attempt to resolve the grievance at the workplace level; and
b) There has been compliance within this Grievance Policy procedure, including genuine consideration of using mediation.
It is clearly in everybody’s best interests to resolve issues at their origin, ie between the parties concerned.
This Volunteer Grievance Policy shall be reviewed annually to ensure that it remains current and relevant to Bicycle SA’s standards of practice.
Copyright © 2025 Bicycle SA - All Rights Reserved.